holy crap (Eva G.)

this 24 hour thing is really really fun!! i want it in germany, too! iwantitiwantitiwantit!!!!!!!!! especially the opportunity to do things you otherwise would never dare to do..this is fantastic! it seemed like everybody is a big family and you can just go on make a fool of yourself, it doesn’t matter,because everyone does it and it is just normal. the atmosphere was great, great,great!

vinz, you have all my pictures from pittsburgh-fun, so load them up!

dave and andy, your icecream is the best! i scream you scream we  all scream for ice cream!

uuaaahahahaaa how do i post a blog?

i don’t get how to blog a post,eeehhh,to post a post blog a blog or blog whatever. is this the right way now?

lalalalala,what could i post…?
christina’s parents,grandma and doggy are the best! (this HAS to be published,because they are really great!!) thank you!

can we go dancing another time?
can we go dancing with everyone?
can we go to the big fountain in downtown in the middle of the two rivers and jump in?
can we go to philadelphia?
can we go sushiing? (haha, a new word. not bad, isn’t it?)

it is fun here!
